Name: Sara Noonan
Spouse: Richard Noonan
Location: California
Children: Joe, age 32 and Jenny, age 29
Grand Children: Still a “wannabe Grandma”.
Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years:
Flight attendant training for Piedmont Airlines in Winston Salem, NC. Flew for Piedmont ’68-’70. American University, in Washington, DC, ’71-’74. Culver Stockton College, Canton, MO, ’77—80.
What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
The birth of each of my three children, the luxury of being a stay at home mom, and meeting my present husband.
What you like to do? - hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc.
Knitting, needlepoint, photography, working on computer projects. Sports wise, Tennis, horseback riding, and walking. For Recreation, going to the Grand Canyon and exploring every inch of its wonder by riding the mules down to the bottom, stay a couple of nights at Phantom Ranch and hiking while down there. I am also a Docent at the California State Railroad Museum.
Who would you especially like to see at the reunion?
I want to see everybody, but especially I would like to see Sr. Mary Grace to console her for what she had to put up with for the two years she had me in her dorm!
What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal?
Driving into the circle with my mother and grandmother to see the school and then being told by Sr. Mary Helen I would have to repeat the 7th grade. My heart sank!
What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal?
Saying goodbye to the people I had come to love so dearly.
Most memorable event:
Launching butter onto the ceiling in the refectory during dinner, and being grounded when I went up to get permission to go out the following weekend.
Favorite musical group while at the Mount?
It has to be The Beatles. I still get all bubbly thinking of them!
Favorite movie: The Sound Of Music
Favorite teacher or class:
I was so good in all of my classes, but I would have to say that Fr. Arthur’s class in Marriage was the best. Oh, what we put that poor man through!
Favorite non-classroom activities:
Sleeping in on the weekend, learning where all the secret passages were, and of course our walks to Elby’s Big Boy….. Remember, we had to pass Linsley to get there.
Favorite locations on campus and off campus:
The Grotto was the most beautiful and serene place on campus as I remember. Off campus it was always fun to go to Ye Old Alpha for a quick bite to eat, and I believe there was a place called Moxies that we liked to visit, or even a casual stroll through Wheeling College to check out those older college men.
Place/space/sound that captures the Mount in memory:
In the ‘80’s we lived in a small town in Massachusetts called Dudley. The house was well over 100 years old. We had steam radiator heat that would bang early in the morning as they warmed up. That sound always brought the Mount back to mind, and my kids would have to listen to my stories of what it was like when I was in school. I can still see their eyes rolling!
Any unusual experience you would like to share or trips you have taken?
Dick was showing me the West. We drove over Tioga Pass in Yosemite, the highest road pass in CA. We visited Mono Lake, Death Valley, found a desert turtle in the middle of the road, and I saw Las Vegas for the first (but not the last) time. We stayed at a bed and breakfast run by a Mormon couple (He even looked like Brigham Young!). We visited Colorado City AZ, the largest colony of polygamous families in the US (very creepy). Then we traveled to the North Rim and then drove to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon for a Mule Trip to Phantom Ranch. After that we visited the Navajo Indian Reservation at Monument Valley for a horseback ride with a Navajo guide.
How many miles will you travel to attend this reunion? 2200