Name: Patricia A. Phillips
Spouse: Ronald E. Phillips
Location: Ohio
Children: No Children. Just a deaf dog that reminds us of Donkey from Shrek and a tabby cat that looks like she sat for those primitive paintings…you know…little head, huge body.
Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years: Attended Mary Grove College, Detroit, Michigan ’66 to ’67. Transferred to Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA: ’67 to ’70. BA in Political Science.
What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
I worked for 26 years as a Caseworker for the PA Dept. Welfare in both Pittsburgh and Washington while residing in Washington, PA. In 1990 we started a journey with my sister who lived in Columbus and was battling breast cancer. Mom bought a house in Plainfield, OH in 1995 so we would have a place to take her on weekends. My husband lived next door. Theresa passed away in 1997 and Mom decided to keep the house. Ron and I were married in 1999. I retired in 2003 and moved to Plainfield full time. Most apartment buildings have more residents than we have. The last census listed 157 residents. Country life isn’t for everyone, but I love it.
What you like to do? - hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc. Ron and I both love gardening and reading. I serve as secretary on Parish Council at the Catholic Church and am involved with several of their ministries. I also help with activities at my husband’s church (Methodist). I substitute at the local Post Office, work at the election polls and volunteer for Ohio Reads. We also like to entertain occasionally.
Who would you especially like to see at the reunion? Everyone, since I never see anyone between reunions.
What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal? I was so homesick and knew no one because I transferred in my sophomore year. Fortunately it didn’t last long.
What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal? Saying good-by to everyone.
Most memorable event: Graduation and everything that went with it.
Favorite musical group while at the Mount: The Beatles
Favorite movie: Gone With the Wind.
How many miles will you travel to attend this reunion? 70