Name: Mary Kathleen Ondrick Maria - KiKi
Spouse: Joe
Children: Christie and Beth
Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years: M.A. French, Trinity University; M.A.W, Master of Arts in Writing, Mahattanville College; Master of Fine Arts in writing with a concentration in creative non-fiction, The New School.
What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
My children, my family, my friends, traveling with my niece, Betsy, living in Paris for a year, discovering a long lost friend from 2nd grade in San Francisco, living in New Orleans, the delete button on my computer and the cut and paste capabilities. My students look at me as if I have two heads when explaining a typewriter eraser and how we cut and pasted.
Places you've lived: Paris, France; San Antonio, Texas; New Orleans, LA; New York City, Mt. Kisco, NY, Philadelphia, PA; currently White Plains, NY.
What you like to do? - Hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc: Walk, read, explore New York City.
Who would you especially like to see at the reunion? Sr. Agnes de Sales and Mary O’Brien.
Who's idea was it that you attend the Mount and why? My parents considered the Mount the best school in Wheeling and enrolled me. My sister, Muffin, attended too. I was there three years, and Muffin, two.
What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal? An open house one summer afternoon.
What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal? May Party
Most memorable event: Learning of JFK’s death from Maggie Beltz in the second floor hallway.
Favorite musical group while at the Mount: Can’t remember.
Favorite movie: Can’t remember.
Favorite teacher or class: Sr. Mary Helen’s history class and learning the meaning of the word behoove.
Favorite non-classroom activities: Studying for Sr. Mary Helen’s history tests, (always tough), with E, smoking and drinking black coffee.
Favorite locations on campus and off campus: Senior porch.
Place/space/sound that captures the Mount in memory: The ringing of our bells when someone needed us.