Joan Benson
Joan Benson
Moundsville, WV
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Name: Joan Benson Lemasters
Spouse: Wayne
Children: Brian 31,  Shelley 27, Denise 32, (Brian’s wife)
Grand Children: Katherine, 22 months. A new arrival expected October, 2006

Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years:  BM Spurr School of Nursing, and Belmont Tech.

What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
Watching my children grow and graduate from college and graduate school with high honors. Brian graduated from Harvard with an MBA.

What you like to do? - Hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc.  Golf, swimming, cooking, gardening, quilting, bike riding and I am active in church affairs.

Who would you especially like to see at the reunion? Everyone.

What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal?  Scary!

What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal? During the graduation ceremony, Bishop Hodges stopped me and talked with me. He had remembered my Dad. It was so kind of the Bishop to mention my Father. After graduation a few nuns wanted to know what was said – "was I starting trouble?"

Most memorable event: Graduation

Favorite musical group while at the Mount: The Beach Boys

Favorite non-classroom activities: Elby’s – a time for good food.

Place/space/sound that captures the Mount in memory: The change of class bell. I always see Ginger’s face – wonder why?

Any unusual experience you would like to share or trips you have taken? Tell you later!

How many miles will you travel to attend this reunion? 15 miles.