Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years BA - West Virginia University 1970
What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
My marriage to Tom December 1969.
My two children.
Our 2 week trek around Europe in 2000.
The birth of my granddaughter this year.
My painting - I teach at a studio school and am a member in a co-operative gallery and I really love it!
What you like to do? hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc.
I love to play golf and I play on a team that competes in a regional league.
Who would you especially like to see at the reunion?
All of the girls that I haven't seen since graduation, (Mary O'Brien, Nancy Stemm, etc.)
What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal?
Sister Cecelia and the art studio when I visited the summer before Freshman year.
What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal?
Sister Mary Helen called me in to her office to tell me Robert Kreis had called to talk to me and she told him he would have to call on the student phones.
Most memorable event: President Kennedy shot.
Favorite musical group while at the Mount: The Beatles
Favorite teacher or class: Sr. Mary de Chantal
Favorite non-classroom activities: Just hanging with my friends.
Favorite locations on campus and off campus: Dorm, and weekends at Elaine Culley's house.
Place/space/sound that captures the Mount in memory:
Bells ringing after class for phone calls.
Sister Cecelia in the art studio with her birds and the sound of her coming up the steps. KLOMP! KLOMP!
Any unusual experience you would like to share or trips you have taken?
My husband, daughter and I drove from Amsterdam through France, Germany, Italy, over the Alps to Switzerland and then back to Amsterdam. Bavaria and Switzerland are absolutely breath taking - but I fell in love with everything in Italy!
How many miles will you travel to attend this reunion? 100-150