Arlene Gwynne
Arleen Gwynne
Wheeling, WV
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Name: Arleen Gwynne Buzzard
Spouse: Dale Michael Buzzard
Location: WV

Children: None. Just pets:   We had MacGregor for 19 years, then one of my Mother’s boxers for a short 8 months (went the chemo route thru Ohio State Veterinary Hospital); last year we bought a West Highland Terrier, named ‘Bailey’ and he is just a year old.  You really forget how much energy a new puppy has!

Grand Children: None

Continuing Education: Schools/Degrees/Years: Attended Cazenovia College in Cazenovia, NY (my last semester I had seizure problems and had to drop out; then went to “sunny” Florida and met up with Manfred at Barry College  (Elementary Ed Major/English Minor) got to student teaching and found out I hated it.  Mostly due the lack of discipline and the fact that I was placed in mainly low income and minority area (no one spoke English…and I took French!).  I remember my parents coming for Parent’s Weekend and all I did was “cry”.  I then returned to WV and found out how many of my courses did not transfer.  I now wish I had pursued the managerial end of teaching .   But we all have are regrets.

What have been the highlights in your personal life since your Mount days?
Me, the person that was never going to live in Wheeling …after all I even applied to the University of Hawaii…met my husband in Wheeling in 1972; married in 1973 and remained in Wheeling.  

What you like to do? - Hobbies, sports, recreation, church, etc. Used to love to read, cross stitch, walk, and travel. Now there never seems to be enough time in the day.  Now, after buying my parents’ home, it’s demolition and decorating.

Who would you especially like to see at the reunion? Everyone….and catch up where we left off 5 years ago.

What is your first memory of Mount de Chantal? I think it would have to be seeing a Visitation nun in full habit, followed by the Gym uniform and the saddle shoes (wish they had “no tie” laces back then).  Also knowing that I was classified as a “non-boarder” and a “non-Catholic”.

What is your last memory of Mount de Chantal? Graduation and winning the Jenkins Medal.

Most memorable event: The news that President Kennedy had been shot. I remember where I was and where I was sitting.

Favorite musical group while at the Mount: The Beatles, The Letterman, The Beach Boys, etc.

Favorite teacher or class: Mother Mary Helen – when you think back to the knowledge she bestowed upon us in our Senior year… I remember those mimeographed page  after page of the Greek anthology and ancient history, etc.

Favorite non-classroom activities: That would be ushering the Symphony Concerts, trips to Elby’s (chocolate ice cream cakes),  having my Dad come to pick us up only to find us all smoking a cigarette then he would have to explain to Mother Mary Helen why he was returning “the girls” late.  I remember the “slumber parties” at Paula’s, once again smoking and having to hang out the window so here parents wouldn’t smell the cigarette smoke.  Overnights to Edna’s (reading ‘Candy’) and Patty McGraw’s.

Any unusual experience you would like to share or trips you have taken?
Two years ago, I was chosen the winner of the trip to London where I presently work, all expenses paid.  It was announced at our annual Christmas Party and was a total surprise.  Then my sister and her husband also joined us for the trip which made it even more special.  I had made the trip with Mother Mary Helen (which included the Downy twins) and a group the year after graduation to Italy, Switzerland, France & England.